Welcome! The Orange County Historical Society is committed to the teachers of Orange County in their quest to teach a comprehensive history of the United States supported by the richness of local history. History taught in schools is usually focused on US or world history but those histories ignore the places that students see everyday. Local history is found in the names of streets and roads, the buildings and schools, and roadside markers passed daily by students in buses. Knowing and incorporating local history into US and world history gives meaning to broader events and helps students understand and appreciate their own world.
This page is in its infancy, and new materials are being added continually. If you are a teacher and have specific questions or seek facts that are not currently displayed, we can help. Please use the form below to submit a request. We ask that you allow two weeks for the research to be completed.
​​Early Orange County
OC and Global Politics, ca 1734
1734 formation of Orange County
Historic maps of Orange County
Colonial Times
James Waddell & Church of Blind
Nathaniel Gordon and the Town of Gordonsville
Elections in 1777 and How Madison
James Madison's Political Life
Witchcraft in Early Orange County
Video: Washington and His Women
Orange County Before the Civil War
The Fried Chicken Ladies of Gordonsville
Dolley Payne Madison, First Lady
Zachary Taylor Short Biography
The Mystery of Zachary Taylor's
The Mystery of Zachary Taylor's Death
Zachary Taylor's Military Career
Margaret Mackall Smith Taylor, First Lady
Orange County in 1852--Was it Really
Civil War & Reconstruction in OC
Nannie Helen Burroughs Orange Graded School
The Fried Chicken Ladies of Gordonsville
Robert E. Lee in Orange County
Lee's Encampment during Winter 1863-64
​Robert E. Lee and St. Thomas's Episcopal Church
Photos of the Wilderness (Mathew Brady)
Shelter for Civil War Soldiers
Recreation for Civil War Soldiers
Civil War around Woodberry Forest
Dawn to Dust, A Day in the Life of a Soldier
Freedmen's Bureau in Gordonsville
Mine Run Campaign: A Soldier's View
Note Written by Civil War Soldier
President Hayes Visits Orange, 1878
​Turn of the 20th Century
World War II
Staff Sergeant William Breckenridge Grymes
William “Billy” Barton Mason, Jr
Tech 5 Edward Hill Richardson, Sr
Sergeant Tyrus Heber “Ty” Tisdale
TSgt Robert Paul Mason Wiltshire
Master Sergeant William McKendree Andrews
Staff Sgt Edward Wallace Hughes
The video “Right Here in Orange County!” by Frank Walker and Phil Audibert is an overview
of the uniqueness of Orange County History.